Monday, 4 November 2013


Abraham the father of Isaac
Isaac the father of Jacob,
Jacob had Judah and  brother's of course
Who traveled from Canaan to Egypt by horse.

Boaz the father of Obed,
who's mother was Ruth,
Obed the father of Jesse
and Jesse the father of David the King.
He is the one who leads the way,
We'll tell of the others as we play,
until we come to Jehosephat,
The one who won the day!
Now certain ones leap out at you more.
Like Jacob the father of Joseph of course
 The husband of Mary, the mother of Christ,
Who he called Messiah.
14 generations from Abraham to David ,
14 generations to  Babylonian rule,
14 generations after Babylon proceeded,
Until the birth of  Jesus.

 by Margo Cooper

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